
Stavros Charalambides – spomin na 1. Kongres SKZP


Pošiljam vam darilo kot spomin na 1. Kongres SKZP. Res gradimo srčno skupnost, saj ostajamo v sodelovanju z udeleženci kongresa. Spodaj je povezava do brezplačne knjige, ki jo nam pošilja Stavros Charalambides.

Lepo poletje,

Ksenja Kos,

predsednica PO SKZP

Dear all,

After all the hard work done by University of Zadar, Marina Vidakovic and Monica Westberg and myself, I can say that I am deeply grateful, proud and satisfied for the publication of our Handbook of Sociopsychodrama: Discovering the Languages of Peace. 

This handbook was funded by Erasmus+ project and is free for download. This handbook is one of the results of a project called Discovering the Langugaes of Peace where 32 people from Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Sweden, Norway and Denmark have been learning about the basics of sociopsychodrama and role reversal for the last one year. 

Also, within this project 58 people participated in the spring school of sociopsychodrama this April in Zadar. The handbookbook is written in English, Swedish and in Croatian. The printed version of the book will be available from autumn. You can download the handbook here and share it with whomever you wish.

Warm regards

Jana Damjanov